A Matter of Life and Death: E3 Day 1 Pre-Microsoft Press Conference
Well folks, E3 is here. I write this on day 1, a couple hours before the Microsoft Press conference is set to take place. What will we see? Will there be more details on Remedy’s Xbox One exclusive Quantum Break? What other exclusives will we have to look forward to? We will know soon enough. One thing’s for sure, though, the Xbox One is going to live or die on this press conference. They need to deliver games, and not just any games, huge games, because as we consider whether we want to purchase this console, we have to weigh those games against all the things we don’t like about the system. Are there games that will make that worth it? Honestly, I’m not sure, but it won’t be long now before we know the answer. Expect more short blogs like this one as the day progresses, as I intend to provide both pre and post discussion on all the press conerences taking place today.