Update: In a later portion of the review, I speak about potential confusion between headset dongles. I have since learned that, while each dongle you receive with each headset is paired specifically to that headset, they are actually the same otherwise, and you can even pair multiple headsets to the same dongle. You can find […]
Tag: audio
Rain and Terrain: How Animal Crossing’s Audio Design Helps Even the Totally Blind
Note: This post is a reblog of a post I wrote for the Audiokinetic Blog, and was published on June 17, 2020. Animal Crossing is playable by the totally blind! These words have shocked many people to whom they have been spoken, and they even shocked me the first time I heard them. I couldn’t […]
Why Being a Blind Gamer is Better
Over the course of my blog, I’ve talked about a lot of things. I’ve talked about the struggles, and the successes of being a blind gamer, I’ve talked about accessibility and how awesome it is sometimes, and where it could improve other times. Through all that, though, I haven’t revealed one of blind gaming’s biggest […]
The Constant Rise of Our Standards: We are Funny Folk
This blog is not quite a gamebreak, but it is an accessibility break. I was recently struck by an interesting thought, and I wanted to blog about it. We are an interesting people. We do a lot of interesting things. In particular, and the subject of this blog, is the way we raise our standards, […]
Commentary: The Most Undocumented Accessibility Feature
Continuing the sports theme from my previous blog about MLB, today I want to talk about commentary. These days it is a standard part of any sports game, and has been since the N64 era, but today we’re going to talk about what it is in the context of blind gaming. That’s right, kids, it’s […]