In 2017, I expressed a desire. “What I wouldn’t give,” I said on stage at the Game Accessibility Conference, “to play The Last of Us.” Now, you could argue that dream came true when I got to work on, and as a result play, The Last of Us Part 2, and certainly a dream did […]
Tag: accessible games
Echoes from Levia: Echoes From my Mind
There is a game out there for IOS called Echoes From Levia: Soulbound. It is an audio game, made so it can be played by the totally blind. I have recently completed this game, and I have what may be some unique impressions of it that I wish to discuss. Impressions that are, at least, […]
Leaning IN: Game Trailers and Blind Gamers
Occasionally, I get asked what I get out of a game trailer. The answer is a complicated one, so what better way to discuss it than in a blog? Well, I suppose I could do a highly-edited video where I narrate over a series of shots of me in random locations, but… Nah, we’re just […]
A Weekend with PS4: My Thoughts on the PS4’s new Text to Speech Feature
It’s so easy for the sighted to completely overlook. It’s just one option, one setting, sitting there amongst the rest. Yet, for the blind, it represents the biggest change in video game console accessibility of all time. It’s something we’ve always wanted, but were never really confident we’d have. Now, at last, it’s here, and […]
GDC for All to See!
Ladies and gentlemen, I’m happy to report that the GDC panel I was a part of, entitled “Beyond Graphics: Reaching the Visually Impaired Gamer,” is now live and available for the world to see. I’m not talking just the slide show, no no, this is the full video of the entire panel. Watch me bring […]