Update: The audio visual thumbnails I have mentioned several times are present in the PS4. However, when this blog was originally written, dynamic menus were not working on PS4, as it had just launched. Now that they do, I can confirm that the games that have these audio visual thumbnails will play them when you […]
Tag: gaming
On the Verge:PS4 Edition
We are just hours away, ladies and gentlemen. The next generation is truly almost here, and we kick it off with the Playstation 4. Here, I offer you all a blog, once again from a blind gamer’s perspective, on what we know so far regarding the accessibility of the console, and what I cannot wait […]
Another Nod for all us blind gamers out there!
Ladies and gents, a new article has been written by a gentlemen named Richard Moss, (@MossRC for all those who will surely desire to shower him with adoration following this post), regarding gaming as a blind person, both accessible games and audio games. Basically every aspect of gaming and being blind. This article was written […]
Uh, right then.
So I realized, only after saying how everything was working, that I hadn’t created a page for the Rock Band content yet. This has now been done, and the link on the gaming page has been updated. Uh, woops. Again, new at this.