The episode of the Game Audio Podcast where they talk about the GANG awards and Brandon is live! If you’d like to check it out, visit their website!
Category: News and Updates
Introducing Mainstream Console Gaming to the Blind Podcast!
Greetings, folks, What follows is something I forgot to link to when it initially came out. It’s a podcast I was a part of along with Orin and John Moore, and the topic of discussion is mainstream console gaming. The target audience, though, is not existing console gamers, but blind people wishing to break into […]
Another Nod for all us blind gamers out there!
Ladies and gents, a new article has been written by a gentlemen named Richard Moss, (@MossRC for all those who will surely desire to shower him with adoration following this post), regarding gaming as a blind person, both accessible games and audio games. Basically every aspect of gaming and being blind. This article was written […]
Previously, on Braaaaaaaaains!
Hey, folks. Got a new sample for ya. It’s Resident Evil 5. yeah, apparently we can do that too. Check it out on the samples page, or if you’re lazy like me, just click here.
Resident Blind!
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a real live content update! This one’s a smash if you ask me, as it really slams what we’re trying to do home. We’ve got 2 samples of a blind person, yes a blind person, playing Resident Evil 6. I’m talking about this one, and this one. Check out the samples […]